A poem... I know it's not my usual bus, but it happened, so here ya go.
Sipping tea
Sipping tea
on the back of a great green tortoise.
In the morning, I chop away at sprigs of lemongrass
I would say it is a pain in my ass
But that would rhyme too well
And conflict with the feelings
In this most pleasant dell.
I chop chop away
Focusing on my form
On the shoulders of giants
On the back of a great green tortoise.
Lemongrass and ginger
Boiled in water
Brews a simple winner
So from my leftover shreds
I brew and as I said
Sip this simple tea.
On the shoulders of giants
On the back of a great green tortoise
On the shoulders of giants
On the back of a great green tortoise
How happy am I to be
Chopping away in this most pleasant dell.
My thoughts roam as my hands follow their duty
Oh my tortoise would be
so proud of me
O how I wish he could see
His child
So free
My hands so steady
My heart so at peace
My form as he taught me
On the shoulders of giants
On the back of a great green tortoise.
So I sip my simple tea
As my tongue cleans the slyest twigs and slipperiest grinds
The stars fall down around me
They bow in grace for the sun
The sun which brings the hunger of the new day
A hunger welling up in my half awake brothers and sisters
Half submerged in caffeine
Half submerged in whispers
Screamed silently into their ears
Yet the light pours over me and I bathe
The whispers of that hateful society so far below me
For here I sit
Sipping my simple tea
On the shoulders of giants
On the back of a great green tortoise.
What supports the great green tortoise?
My thoughts demand this answer
As they guide my hands to cut and my tongue to clean and my brain to enjoy
The whales, of course.
The tortoises of yesteryear are whales now,
so that he can lift you.
We cannot see them
Until we look deeper inside
From our perch atop a tortoise with a mouthful of tea
On the shoulders of generations
Tea on a tortoise
May we yet be
May we yet see
We are the tortoise of tomorrow
Held up by our memories
Of the tortoise today
Tea on a tortoise
May we yet be
May we yet see
We are the whale of tomorrow
Living on in memory
Holding up the shoulders of giants
Holding up a great grey tortoise that is yet to be
Tea on a tortoise take three
May we yet be
May we yet see
We are the water of tomorrow
Lost to all memory
Yet the foundation of all that holds up
The whales
The tortoise
And the tea drinker
Tea on a tortoise to the heavens
May we yet be
May we ONLY see
We are the exploding star of tomorrow
The birth of the earth
The birth of the water
The birth of the whales and the tortoises and the tortoise toppers
We will yet be.
So sip nobly on your tea
As you chop lemongrass
On the shoulders of giants
On the back of a great green tortoise