Watch your thoughts for they become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habit, your habit becomes your character, your character becomes your destiny
Lao Tsu
The quote was designed to take the idea that the quality of being homosexual, being one that is born into people, is given to us by our parents who conceived us the old fashioned way. While a fun quote, there are some unsettling undertones here that need to be addressed.
First, it is a blame game. Many seek to blame someone for this genetic dysfunction and this quote gently reminds those seeking blame that this may be their own child and blame can be inward.
Second, the whole idea of being gay BEING a genetic thing bothers me. I am not trying to imply that homosexuality is a nurture thing and not a nature thing, I know this better than most. I am simply saying that this in itself is yet another way the populous blames LGBT traits on something. "Oh it is not a choice, if you are gay, you don't have a choice." While true, our clinical outlook on the issue transforms the issue into a clinical issue-- and lumps it with other clinical conditions like polio.
This mindset is incorrect.
In the Hindu culture of the past, there was a caste system. Priestlike Brahmin were born into their life path. Pariah, Royalty, everything was based upon genetics, yet so frequently stories were told of how blind love was. How a bandit queen who had her eyes burned out could fall in love with a celibate Brahmin, how kings frequently invested their riches into housemaids, the list goes on and on. Today we accept there is no caste system and love between castes is a non-issue, yet we cling again to the idea that sometimes love is just blind to the boundaries we have again placed upon it. The ultimate irony here, the ultimate connection is that we are living out this same story over and over again. We are the ones creating our own discomfort by placing restrictions on love.
Where does this mindset of restriction come from? My answer is greed. The concept that a person can own something is our problem. These two issues seem separate, my dear readers, but the great irony is that they are connected. Let me explain my reasoning.
We live in a society where everything is property of another. I implore you to try to convince me that economic slavery does not exist and you and I are part of it until we decide not to be. This way of being has been the foundation for so many generations as is to be completely normal. It leads us to subconsciously greed. Even the very purest of the pure have their experiences and their life if no other ties. The word "ties" here is so perfect a word. I am tied to my life. I am attached to it. Yet it is a single tree in a vast, beautiful forest and I am tied to it and cannot move. My ties are not so much a cage that my vision of the forest is impaired, yet I am still tied up and tied down by my ties. For each tie we have, we are less free to see that most open and glorious forest.
So in tying a price and ownership to basically everything on this earth, we constraint not only movement and the ability to share, but also possibilities and the ability to see. This, my dear readers is how these are related. When ownership moves into the realm of love, we hear people say, "that love is not like my love. My love is sacred. My love is the Lord's love." Our eyes become closed to the truth that love is not a thing, the truth is that love is a force that pulls on us much like gravity. It is a force that pulls us to do what we were born to do. We can either tie ourselves down and cling to our spot or we can tumble with the current of love and fly free to wherever our love pulls us-- a love that is truly blind to all convention because no convention ties love down.
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